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с английского на испанский

magnetic mine

См. также в других словарях:

  • magnetic mine — n. (Mil.) A marine mine that is detonated by a mechanism that detects the nearness of magnetic material (as the steel hull of a ship). A {magnetic counter mine} may allow the passagw of several ships before detonating. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • magnetic mine — n. a naval mine designed to explode when the metal hull of a ship passing near it deflects a magnetic needle, closing an electric circuit and thus detonating the charge …   English World dictionary

  • magnetic mine — magnetinė mina statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Mina, reaguojanti į taikinio magnetinį lauką. atitikmenys: angl. magnetic circuit; magnetic mine pranc. mine magnétique; mise de feu magnétique ryšiai: sinonimas – magnetinė grandinė …   NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • magnetic mine — mine that is set to explode when it senses a change in the magnetic field …   English contemporary dictionary

  • magnetic mine — Navy. an underwater mine set off by any disturbance of its magnetic field, as by the metal hull of a ship. Cf. acoustic mine, contact mine. [1935 40] * * * …   Universalium

  • magnetic mine — noun (nautical) a marine mine that is detonated by a mechanism that responds to magnetic material (as the steel hull of a ship) • Topics: ↑ship • Hypernyms: ↑floating mine, ↑marine mine …   Useful english dictionary

  • magnetic mine — A mine which responds to the magnetic field of a target …   Military dictionary

  • magnetic mine — noun A mine which responds to the magnetic field of a target …   Wiktionary

  • magnetic mine — noun a mine detonated by the proximity of a magnetized body such as a ship or tank …   English new terms dictionary

  • magnetic mine — /mægˌnɛtɪk ˈmaɪn/ (say mag.netik muyn) noun a mine designed to be exploded when its mechanism is triggered by the presence of ferrous objects, as the metal hull of a ship …  

  • magnetic counter mine — magnetic mine magnetic mine n. (Mil.) A marine mine that is detonated by a mechanism that detects the nearness of magnetic material (as the steel hull of a ship). A {magnetic counter mine} may allow the passagw of several ships before detonating …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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